Friday, June 7, 2013

Soccer with Gian, Challah with Mara

This week Gian came and did a soccer workshop with the class. Children practiced kicking the ball with different body parts, feet, head, bottom and back. They played a crocodile game, half of the children had to pass by the other half of the children who were hungry  crocodiles.  The workshop ended with a game, or an attempt to play a soccer game. Once Gian got everyone out of the goal posts, children began to get the idea of kicking and passing the ball. It was great fun!

Mara visited and shared the tradition of making Challah and Shabbat. Children got to shape the dough (Mara had prepared ahead of time). After reading two books about the Jewish tradition of Shabbat, the children watched Mara prepare a new batch of challah. It was nice that the children got to see the entire process, bubbling yeast, dough transforming from wet to sticky to soft, dough rising and baking. It was delicious!