Thursday, October 28, 2010

Friday, October 22, 2010

week of october 18th

It was a busy, creative and productive week in preschool. Children constructed paper airplanes, star war spaceships with large blocks, and marble mazes with tubes. In the Art Studio and the classroom children participated in clay and mud exploration. Our culinary experiences included roasting a pumpkin for muffins, and toasting pumpkin seeds. Planning and building new ramps for race cars demanded cooperation, negotiation and problem solving skills among classmates. Everyday activities including book reading and dramatic play, provided opportunities for new discoveries with our everyday materials, for example, the jeweled cloth in dress-up. Enjoy the photos.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Rainy week

This weeks photos include measuring children with unit blocks, exploring goop, creating seed collages, sharing books and surfing! The measuring activity was done with half and whole unit blocks. The problem solving session involved estimating, comparing and calculating half and whole units. Goop is cornstarch and water. The consistency changed from liquid to solid, and was a messy and fun activity. Children used a variety of seeds to create creature collages. We caught a very nice moment of children reading together. Surfing was a popular activity in the Large Block Area . Building, negotiating, experimenting with incline and speed and risk taking contributed to an enriching learning experience.